Corporate Social Responsibility at Blackmores

Blackmores Group is a values-led organisation committed to giving back to the communities in which we operate across Asia-Pacific. We strive to make a difference by building healthier communities, supporting charitable organisations and inspirational individuals who are helping to create a brighter future. Our continued commitment to community is reflected in our support for a range of charities and social causes.
In Australia, the Blackmores Mercie Whellan Women & Wellbeing Awards celebrate women making an outstanding contribution to their local communities. We are also long-term supporters of Quest for Life Foundation founded by Petrea King which runs educational self-help programs and community-based workshops to improve resilience and wellbeing.
In Asia, our staff are personally rolling up their sleeves to drive key grassroots initiatives. This includes our Malaysia team’s Project Kindness, which served 7,500 meals to the urban poor and homeless in 2018 and our Thailand team’s Keep Running Keep Wellbeing program which recently donated 7,543 pairs of shoes to needy school children. In Indonesia, we support the Bumi Sehat Foundation to improve maternal and child health in rural communities.
Our employees are also encouraged to be part of a giving program where 0.5% of their taxable pay is deducted into an interest-bearing trust account, with Blackmores matching this amount to be donated to the employee's registered charity of choice which added up to $181,000 in FY21.
Blackmores also supports additional community groups and fundraising and awareness activities throughout the year with financial contributions, Blackmores product charity hampers and staff-driven fundraising initiatives such as breakfast BBQs.
Case study: Project Kindness - paying it forward in Malaysia
Project Kindness is Blackmores’ way of giving back to the local community in Malaysia, through charity drives and pay-it-forward collaborative efforts with a focus on health, wellbeing and nutrition.
Led by our 91 employees in Kuala Lumpur, Blackmores teamed up with Pit Stop Community Café to serve 7,500 meals to the homeless and hungry – with an incredible 350 Facebook fans stepping forward to help.
“Sometimes all we need is a little kindness – not just one day a year, but 365 days. It is our hope this idea is embraced by individuals and companies alike. We are grateful and happy for our partnership with Blackmores Malaysia,” said Joycelyn Lee, Pit Stop Community Café Manager.
“The project motto – If you can choose to be one thing today, choose to be kind – inspired our desire to re-awaken the essential goodness at the heart of everyone and make a difference."
Other Project Kindness activities included helping victims of the Typhoon Damrey floods (that left more than 5,000 people homeless) to clean-up and repair their homes and get back on their feet to recovery and wellbeing.
Matched donations employee charitable scheme
Recognising that charity starts at home, our employees are encouraged to participate in a charitable scheme whereby 0.5% of their taxable pay is deducted each payday and placed in an interest-bearing trust account. Blackmores matches this amount and twice yearly each participating employee nominates a registered charity to receive the donation.
In 2018 Blackmores Group employees donated $167,000 to 105 registered charities of their choice through this scheme.